Fincastle / Botetourt County, Virginia

Bible Studies & Children's Worship

For Children

Children of all ages are welcome to come forward for our Children’s Homily and enjoy learning about God’s Grace during our Children’s Chapel time.  We use a curriculum called Storymakers and it’s a wonderfully interactive plan to learn about God and engage in the Bible Stories.  Children are welcome in the sanctuary and we love wiggles and sounds — wherever the children and parents feel most comfortable.

Viritual Children's Church through video -- There are a variety of videos on the Storymakers NYC website which are linked below.  Check them out!

Adult Education/Fellowship Time

Adult Education/Fellowship Time

Indoor and Zoom Adult Education time from 9:00a.m. to 9:45a.m. on Sunday mornings welcomes all adults, parishioners and visitors alike.  We meet in the Ministry Center.

Bible Study and Book Study

St. Mark's offers occasional opportunities in addition to the regular Sunday class to delve more deeply into Bible study and exploration of our Christian faith through in-depth reading and discussion of spiritual topics and theological writing. Please check our Home Page or Facebook page for updates.