Adult Education Sundays at 9:00am - Class begins at 9am on Sundays in the Parish Hall (church basement) or VIA Zoom.
Worship! Sundays at 10am -- Holy Communion, Rite I in the church sanctuary and on Zoom.
Wednesdays at 7:30pm -- Evening Prayer on Zoom only. (See Button to the right for Zoom link).
Thursdays at 12:05pm -- Brown Bag Bible Study in the Ministry Center (in person & Zoom) studying the Gospel of John.
Second Tuesdays at 11:00am -- Holy Communion at The Glebe in Daleville.
Third Thursdays at 11:30am -- Holy Communion with Healing Prayers in sanctuary. No Zoom.
Join a class, connect with others -- all links to the services and gatherings are found to the right.
Celebrating Fincastle's Historic Churches - St. Mark's Episcopal >Mark your calendars for our Summer Chapel Series in Eagle Rock at Emmanuel Chapel. These will be held on the last Sundays of June through September at 11:00am.
DATES: September 29
Note: There will not be any services at St. Mark's on these Sundays.