Fincastle / Botetourt County, Virginia

Children's Chapel & Nursery up and running

We are so excited about our revamped Children’s Ministry Team. Our new lead minister is Mary Garland and her assistant is Marissa Howell. Mary grew up at St. Mark’s and is excited about engaging the children with stories of Jesus. Marissa is a third year student at Hollins University and excited to support our team. Children hold a special place in Scripture for two reasons. One, God wants us to be wholly dependent upon Him like our own little children, and Jesus uses this metaphor time and again to drive home this point. Second, Children are just fun! They say things that spark our curiosity and engage in our life together in unexpected and deeply holy ways. SO, it is with HUGE joy that we start this new time of Children’s Ministry at St. Mark’s! Stop by the Children’s Chapel room and say hi to Mary and Marissa.

Sunday Services
8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II